Minors Charged with Assault in Utah
Assault is a criminal offense that involves the threat or attempt or violence upon another person. Assault does not involve the actual hitting or act of violence against that individual, but many people charged with assault may also face charges of battery. Battery is the actual hitting, striking or touching of another person against his or her will. Juveniles charged with assault and battery can face significant penalties with the potential for a lasting impact.
My name is Tyler Williams, and as a Salt Lake City juvenile criminal defense lawyer, I am experienced at dealing with cases involving assault and battery. In addition, I have experience defending cases specifically in juvenile court and working with prosecuting attorneys, arresting police officers and judges in order to negotiate to have charges dismissed or the child returned to his or her parents.
Salt Lake City Criminal Defense Attorney
By speaking with me as soon as possible regarding a charge of juvenile assault, you are giving your child the best opportunity to defend against a criminal record and other potential criminal penalties. I will help you understand what to expect and develop an effective criminal defense strategy designed to achieve effective results.
Salt Lake City Criminal defense is all I do and this exclusive focus has allowed me to develop legal strategies that have proven to be effective in that state of Utah. This includes favorable results in juvenile cases involving charges of assault and other criminal offenses..
If you or your College Student or Minor Child has been charged with a crime in Utah, do not talk to police, investigators, or the prosecutor assigned to your case. Contact Attorney Tyler Williams to fight for you.